October 31, 2015

Halloween & Autumn Haul | 2015

It is rare for me to find Halloween decoration at all, especially here where people don't celebrate this holiday. I was very lucky to find awesome Halloween pieces this year, most of them are made in Hungary. 

October 30, 2015

Tiffany - Seed of Chucky Makeup Look | Child's Play Franchise

tiffany valentine makeup look

Hi guys, I'm here to show you my one and only Halloween makeup look this year. This horror look is suitable for people who don't like gore or difficult makeup looks. 

October 12, 2015

Dollish Polish 'Look At The Flowers Lizzie' | The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead fans, your time has come. To celebrate the premiere of the 6th season of the show, I will show you a nail polish that was inspired by a heavy scene of the 4th season. I have a lot to say and many photos to show.

The Walking Dead rajongók, eljött a Ti időtök. Hogy megünnepeljem a hatodik évad premierjét, egy, a sorozat által inspirált lakkot fogok ma bemutatni. Sok mondanivaló és még több fénykép vár Titeket.

Essence 'All That Greys' Trend Edition | Preview

Grey shades! With the new trend edition “all that greys”, essence is taking a journey back in time to the “Roaring Twenties” – famous for its wild parties and many Hollywood beauties - from mid November to mid December 2015. The collection offers exciting party-proof products that focus on the trendiest colour of 2016: grey. Elegant grey shades meet upon rosy-red shades and merge into a perfect union for the retro-glam of the 1920’s. The it-pieces include an eyeshadow palette with seven powdery shades and various effects, a smokey eye pencil with a spring-loaded sponge applicator and corner lashes for fabulous lash highlights. The Charleston style hair bandeau perfectly rounds off the expressive look. Let’s celebrate… with essence!

October 8, 2015

Max Factor Smokey Eye Drama Kit - Opulent Nudes | Review

smokey eye drama kit

Négy új szemhéj & szemöldökpalettát is köszönthetünk a Max Factor újdonságai között, én pedig a nude palettát teszteltem nektek. Annyit elárulok már most az elején, hogy bárcsak minden eddigi MF szemhéjpúder ilyen jó minőségű lett volna.

Max Factor has new eyeshadow palettes as well, they are called the Smokey Eye Drama Kit palettes that are suitable for the eyes & brows. I am going to show you the basic nude palette called Opulent Nudes.

October 7, 2015

Max Factor Velvet Volume Mascara | Review + Try-on

A Max Factor erőssége a szempillaspirálokban rejlik véleményem szerint, így kíváncsi voltam, hogy a legújabb családtag hogyan is teljesít. Megmutatom, hogy miként is néz ki a pillákon a Velvet Volume spirál, és hogy mik a tapasztalataim.

Max Factor's game is the strongest when it comes to mascara, so I was very curious when I realized that they released a new one called Velvet Volume (by False Lash Effect). I am here to share my thoughts and to show you before & after photos. 

Max Factor Masterpiece High Precision Liquid Eyeliner | Review

Max Factor Masterpiece High Precision liquid eyeliner

A Max Factor előrukkolt pár újdonsággal, és én is kipróbáltam egy-két dolgot közülük. Az első tesztalany a Masterpiece High Precision tusfilc, aminek a fő érdekessége az egyedi tushegy. Ha kíváncsiak vagytok rá, jó helyen jártok. Swatchokat a kézfejen és a szemhéjon is mutatni fogok a bejegyzés végén.

Max Factor has come out with a handful of new products, and I will share my experience about a couple of these products in upcoming reviews. Firstly, I will focus on the Masterpiece High Precision liquid eyeliner. You will see hand and eye swatch photos as well.

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