March 31, 2011

Essence Blossoms Etc. Multi Colour Powder | Review & Swatches

Today I went to Rossmann to check out the new stuff by Essence, and I was surprised, because the Blossoms Etc. trend edition is already available. I was utterly shocked. The original date of being on the market was the 1st of April. I picked up the multi colour powder, and I checked out the parfume as well, but it's not my kind of scent. I'll buy more pieces of this LE soon.

Ma bekukkantottam a Rossmannba, hogy megnézzem az új Essence dolgokat, és meglepődve láttam, hogy már kapható a Blossoms Etc. kollekció (úgy tudtam, hogy áprilistól lesz csak boltokban). Kipróbáltam a parfümöt, de nem az én illatom, túl szúrós. A gyönyörűséges púdert viszont megvettem. Már régebben kinéztem, ahogy a krémpirosítót is, ami nálunk nem lesz kapható természetesen.

March 28, 2011

Tag: 11 Most Reached For Products

There's a new tag going around on YouTube, and I thought it would be fun doing it. I saw Allison's video, who tagged everyone, so I decided to make it. This was a while ago, and the pictures were sitting on my PC for 15 days. I edited them finally, so here we go:

March 26, 2011

Create A Look to Help Japan! / Sminkelj, hogy segíts Japánnak!

Yes,you read it right. Alicia from FunnyFaceBeauty is having a challenge, and after every submitted picture/entry, her family is going to donate 10$ for Japan. It is incredibly generous from her and from her family,and a great idea too!

Dare to Wear Charity Challenge for Japan

You have nothing to do, just create a look.Theme: Japan - you can do a geisha, gyaru, anime etc. inspired look, and post the link on Alicia's blogpost about this Dare to Wear Challenge.

Please enter! It's for charity. And remember: every little step helps.

This time ,I decided to do my version of a Geisha. There are too many opportunities, and I love them all (especially the gyaru look!:) ) I already have lots of cosplay pictures (only on my PC, and soon on my blog ), so I thought this would be something new.

March 24, 2011

Collective Haul | MAC, Catrice, Maybelline, Essie

So yeah... I bought my first MAC product EVER. It is the Viva Glam Gaga II lipstick. I know that MAC is friggin' expensive here, 25$ for a lipstick?!? Ridiculous. It is a lovely gift from my mom. :)

March 22, 2011

Max Factor forgatás & Beauty Blogger Event 2011

Mint számos beauty blogger, én is lehetőséget kaptam, hogy részt vegyek a Max Factor videoforgatásán,ami 19-én (szombaton) a Maddox bárban került megrendezésre. A rendezvény célja főként az volt, hogy a fiatalabb korosztály is megismerhesse a márkát, hisz áprilistól YouTube és Facebook oldallal is jelentkezik majd a Max Factor, továbbá a MF vezető sminkese, Szűcs Adrienn blogot is fog vezetni.

March 16, 2011

DIY: How To Fix Broken Powder, Eyeshadow, Blush etc. / Törött púder,szemhéjpúder fixálása

I'm sure that you have at least one broken/crashed/damaged eyeshadow or powder,which is kinda annoying.
But you don't need to throw them away! Today I'm gonna show you how to fix broken make-up.

Biztosan nektek is van legalább egy törött szemhéjpúderetek vagy pirosítótok, ami meglehetősen bosszantó,mert sehogy,vagy csak nagyon nehezen lehet őket használni.. Jó hír: meg tudod "gyógyítani" kedvenceidet. :) Ezt fogom ma megmutatni nektek.

You need / A következőkre lesz szükség:
- a spoon / kanál
- pure alcohol (at least 70%) or rubbing alcohol / minimum 70%-os tiszta alkohol (patikában kapható)

pure alcohol (70%)
Essence All Over Highlighter powder

March 14, 2011

More Important Things Than Cosmetics - Japan Needs Our Help!

I'm sure that you already know about the recent disaster in Japan by now. As you know, I really adore Japan - the country, the culture, the people , mangas &  animes... everything. I was shocked  when I found out what happened. Today I was watching CNN all day, and I was crying almost in every 15 minutes watching the videos and the pictures.They are heartbreaking.

Photos are from: CNN & Facebook

After seeing these photos, I have to ask : WHERE IS GOD NOW?!!

So many people are homeless or dead...whole Japan looks apocalyptic. My thoughts are with all of those affected by this horrible tragedy.

If you want to help somehow and don't want to sitting at home hopelessly, please show support  - every single person can make a difference.

I tried to collect as many links as I can:

Facebook Events & Pages:

Beauty Bloggers & Vloggers:
Please read the video description box!There are links for charity sites.


Lady Gaga's Bracelets:

American Red Cross:

És bizony,mi magyarok is tudunk segíteni.

Japan, please stay strong! Our thoughts are with you.
Kitartás Japán! Veled vagyunk. :(

For more informations & pictures visit:

Thanks for your support, dear readers!

xo Evinde

March 4, 2011

Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipsticks | Review + Swatches

I wanted to write a blogpost about these gems, because they are amazing drugstore lipsticks. They come in many colours, so I'm sure you will find the most flattering shade for your taste and skintone.

Rimmel Lasting finish lipsticks:
(L to R:) Pink Blush, Vintage, Airy Fairy, Asia, Birthday Suit, Nude Pink

March 1, 2011

New Essence Products are in Stores NOW!!!

The moment has finally come: there are TONS of new Essence products in stores from 1st of March!I am so excited to try them out!Essence set the level high this Spring.

Now move on to the products:

For your lips:
Caring Lipbalms
The colours are: (L to R)
Dreaming ; Hoping
Laughing  ; Loving
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